CSI Secure Solutions researches and analysts have the ability to provide unparalleled comprehensive litigation support regardless of the type of case. Our attorney team is able to develop comprehensive background dossiers for either side of the aisle. We have several investigators each with different areas of specialty’s that have the ability to support our attorneys and position them to “WIN CASES”! CSI Secure Solutions reputation is exemplary in the areas of locating witness’s, document statements, video interviews of subjects involved in the case, surveillance, or researching subjects in the deep web” CSI Secure Solutions will be your partner in any litigation that you need our assistance. Call us today for a FREE CONSULTATION 1 (888) 896-0001 or
Background Dossier Development
Computer Network & Mobile Forensics
Corporate Due Diligence
Cyber Crime Investigations
Executive Protection
Hidden Asset Discovery
Pre-Trial Investigation
Social Media Investigations
Security Consulting
Surveillance & Counter Surveillance
Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures
Witness Location + Interview (Video)