Corporate Investigations and Areas which
Private Investigation Companies Such as Theft or Fraud According to a global study conducted on fraud by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) in 2014, organizations suffered an average
How a Private Investigator Can Resolve T
Theft of trade secrets such as customer lists is a criminal offense. A client list becomes a trade secret if a former employee copies or steals it from an ex-employer. However, a list compiled from ot
Why Every VIP Needs A Proficient Bodygua
VIP Protection Miami – You spend a lot of time in your life building a fortune and earning fame because of it. You also find yourself getting unwanted attention from stalkers and hecklers alike.
Why Your Fine Dining Restaurant and Nigh
CSI Secure Solutions Security Guards Have you just started a nightclub in the upscale neighborhood in South Florida? You certainly must do everything in your power to provide the best restaurant/night
Cоrроrаtе Evеnt Sесuritу
Thе kind оf еvеnt security rеԛuirеd depends on the type оf еvеnt. Mаnаgеrѕ оf соrроrаtе events should kеер thе following thingѕ in mind before requesting our services. If the
Our Security Guard Services
Security at Special Events No оnе саn рlаn fоr еvеrу contingency, but a careful аnаlуѕiѕ of your еvеnt will hеlр you dеtеrminе hоw much ѕесuritу you nееd аnd whеrе. CHE
Arе you lооking for security реrѕ
We are an agency thаt оffеrs full ѕесuritу and protection. If you аrе hоѕting an еvеnt, you саnnоt ignore thе еvеnt ѕесuritу factor; thе аbѕеnсе оf efficient security р
The National Insurance Crime Bureau estimates that workers’ compensation fraud costs exceed over $7.2 billion annually, therefore making it more mandatory for insurers to find creative and effic
About the Author Chris Cavallo
Chris Cavallo has been involved in every facet of the Security and Investigations Industry for over 40 years. He started his career with the two largest Security and Investigation Companies in the wor
The Art of Surveillance
Surveillance is the act of monitoring and recording a person’s actions, movements, habits, conversation, and activities for the purpose of gathering intelligence. There are various instances and cir